ACC 2.0 World Congress of Cardiology Virtual conference was held in Chicago, Illinois from March 28 to 30, 2020. Some breakthrough results were presented at the 69th annual scientific session including news and expert commentaries on the VICTORIA, Tailor PCI, COLCOT, Compass trial. Carbon Brand Solutions feels privileged to witness the revelation of the much-awaited results and findings of these breakthrough trials and was fortunate to gain insights from the leading experts in the field of cardiology.
ESC Congress focuses on the best and latest science with renowned leaders in cardiovascular medicine. With more than 30,000 delegates – it is the largest such gathering in the world…
HIIT (High-intensity interval training) is an umbrella term for a time-efficient exercise that features cardio-based and/or multimodal exercise intervals (30-240 seconds) with interspersed active or passive recovery bouts…
Uncontrolled resistant hypertension (UC-RHTN) is defined as a blood pressure (BP) that remains above the desired level (140/90 mmHg) in spite of the concurrent use of three or more antihypertensive agents of different classes…
Until a few years ago, atherosclerosis was considered a “lipid storage disease,” and it was expected that aggressive pharmacological treatment of hypercholesterolemia could virtually eliminate coronary artery pathologies.